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T. V. Skorkina
T. V. Skorkina
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University


Mining electromechanics
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Development of the design of the electric transfer carriage of a tunnel dryer in the conditions of ZAO SPA Keramika

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At the present time there is an acute problem of uninterrupted supply of quality building material with a simultaneous reduction in its cost. In this regard, enterprises in the construction industry strive to ensure that their products meet the ever-increasing requirements of builders. The task of developing new technological solutions to improve safety, reduce labor intensity and time of work is very urgent. Manual labor exists in every company, and it is the most injury-prone and low-skilled, so the minimization of this type of work is a priority. This is especially true for ZAO Keramika, which provides bricks to about 30% of the construction market of the Northwest region of Russia. Kupchino brick is an environmentally friendly material derived from the firing of natural clay and natural sand.

How to cite: Skorkina T.V. Development of the design of the electric transfer carriage of a tunnel dryer in the conditions of ZAO SPA Keramika // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 2 159. p. 99-100.