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E. P. Reznikov
E. P. Reznikov
Research assistant
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
Research assistant
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute


Development of underground space
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Improvement of technology of construction of the middle tunnel of the metro station "Zvenigorodskaya"

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The article considers the technology of construction of the middle station tunnel, the technology of erecting the lining of the upper and lower vaults of the deep subway station of column type. Also attention is paid to the improvement of the technology of construction of the middle tunnel by changing the organization of works, which entails a reduction in the duration of construction of this structure.

How to cite: Reznikov E.P. Improvement of technology of construction of the middle tunnel of the metro station "Zvenigorodskaya" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 1 167. p. 144-146.
Development of underground space
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Improvement of deep borehole construction technology by drilling and blasting

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The analysis of the current state of construction of deep vertical shafts and the technology of their equipment is presented. The issues of improving the drilling and blasting complex on the example of smooth contour blasting and the calculation of the effectiveness of this method compared with conventional. The carried out researches allowed to make suggestions on improvement of the technology of shaft construction by means of drilling and blasting.

How to cite: Reznikov E.P. Improvement of deep borehole construction technology by drilling and blasting // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 86-88.
Development of underground space
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Improvement of deep vertical shaft reinforcement

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The advantages and disadvantages of rigid reinforcements are discussed, the main parameters of rope reinforcements and an example of the use of cage shaft rope reinforcement are given. In addition, the design and materials of reinforcements used for sinking deep vertical shafts are listed. The areas of application of reinforcements, conditions of their expedient use in specific conditions and ways of their improvement are determined. The schemes of mutual arrangement of conductors and lifting vessels of rigid reinforcement are given.

How to cite: Reznikov E.P. Improvement of deep vertical shaft reinforcement // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. № 1 155. p. 132-134.