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D. S. Opryshko
D. S. Opryshko
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute



Modern methods and technologies remediation areas
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Modern approaches to the landscaping recultivation

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In given article modern technologies and materials, used for completion the tasks of land-scaping recultivation, are considered. Using new technical solutions, it is possible to decrease significantly the expenses on mining operations within the framework of recultivation.

How to cite: Opryshko D.S., Oblitsov A.Y. Modern approaches to the landscaping recultivation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 142.
Mining. Ecology
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Development of small watered placers by mini-drakes

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To date, Russia is one of the few countries that has huge reserves of gold - over 25 thousand tons. Obviously, the creation of a system of effective exploitation of its deposits and rational use of the extracted metal largely predetermines the possibility of economic recovery in general and its development in the future, this is due to the special importance of gold among other natural formations. This paper considers the prospects of involvement in the exploitation of small watered placer gold deposits and summarizes the practical experience in the use of excavation and processing block-modular equipment in the exploitation of such deposits. At the same time, recommendations for the use of certain complexes of operating equipment in specific conditions are proposed and substantiated. Priority sources of power supply of equipment in the development of small watered placers are determined, the methodology of preliminary determination of the project profitability is presented.

How to cite: Opryshko D.S. Development of small watered placers by mini-drakes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 1 167. p. 86-89.
Development of mineral deposits
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Development of alluvial deposits by means of small-scale mechanization

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Due to the long-term and intensive development of the richest deposits with favorable operating conditions, the extraction of mineral resources is increasingly shifting to areas with harsh climatic and mining and geological conditions, where there is no infrastructure of any kind. The balance reserves of many deposits are often insufficient for their profitable industrial development. Therefore, the possibility of development of placer deposits by means of small-scale mechanization is considered. An analytical model is worked out, allowing to carry out the choice of the mining method, technologies and methods of conducting works are offered. High economic efficiency of application of the developed equipment complexes in real conditions is demonstrated.

How to cite: Opryshko D.S. Development of alluvial deposits by means of small-scale mechanization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 2 159. p. 59-61.