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E. A. Alsufev
E. A. Alsufev
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute



Automation of technological processes
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Training-system of hardware-software synthesis of automated control systems on the example of continuous operation unit

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The article describes applying of multifunctional laboratory training stations, devoted to studying modern automation control systems, which has been applied at Laboratory of modern technologies of automation of Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute. The first part outlines modern requirement for specialists in the field of automation and describes the laboratory from the point of view of integrated organization of educational process. The second part describes training-system «Microprocessor devices based automation control system of a continuous time unit», which comprises a physical installation to let one learn coupling with a real technological object during all stage – from initial mounting up to executive dispatcher control.

How to cite: Kadyrov E.D., Alsufiev E.A. Training-system of hardware-software synthesis of automated control systems on the example of continuous operation unit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 75-78.
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Computer modeling of thermal operation of water cooling unit of magnesium electrolyzer anodes

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The paper presents the results of computer thermal calculation of a water-cooled unit for anode cooling in bubble-free magnesium electrolyzers. Matlab program was used for numerical calculations. The program includes the PDE toolbox for numerical simulation of non-stationary physical fields described by partial differential equations.

How to cite: Alsufev E.A. Computer modeling of thermal operation of water cooling unit of magnesium electrolyzer anodes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 2 167. p. 218-220.
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Study of the possibility of controlling the temperature of the caissoned belt of the Vanyukov furnace

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The possibilities of controlling the temperature of the caisson belt of Vanyukov furnace are studied. The process of heat transfer through the multilayer furnace wall and the process of heat transfer from the caisson to the cooling water are considered. Based on the results of calculations and literature data, the relationship between the temperature of the caissoned furnace belt and changes in the temperature of water supplied for caisson cooling is established.

How to cite: Alsufev E.A. Study of the possibility of controlling the temperature of the caissoned belt of the Vanyukov furnace // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. № 1 155. p. 160-162.