Restructuring is an activity which initial premises are the targets and the strategy of the company. For a company operating in market conditions, the basic target is to meet the demands of the market, increase its profit, enhance the efficiency and optimize taxation.
The work is devoted to the progressive way of industrial cluster management, and its results in regional economical stability achievement.
The paper presents preliminary results of the search for Kyoto Protocol mechanisms. The ultimate goal of the work is to prepare an information system for the climate sector of environmental management. The purpose of the first step of the search is to obtain a description of the system of environmental mechanisms and to find out how much it corresponds to the Russian reality.
The prospects of development of environmental entrepreneurship in Russia are considered. It is argued that environmental business is formed as an independent branch of the national economy simultaneously with the formation of a new market of intermediary environmental services. The definition of the concept of " environmental business" is given, its forms and types are considered. It is concluded that at the present stage of environmental entrepreneurship needs to develop a legislative framework, the creation of a pricing system for environmental services and tariffs. The task of state regulation is to apply the mechanism to stimulate private environmental business in order to save resources, protect the environment and environmental safety.