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I. K. Ponurova
I. K. Ponurova
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute


Diagnostics and control of technical systems and their elements. New technologie
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Application of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy method for determination of steel grade of rock-destroying tools

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It is shown that X-ray fluorescence method can be utilized to determine composition of steels used for manufacturing the rockbreaking tools. A conclusion is derived that one of the possible cause of low wear resistance of miner bits in «Vorkutaugol» is their bodies manufacturing from the steels, which do not meet the Mining Code specifications.

How to cite: Bolobov V.I., Gabov V.V., Gembitskaya I.M., Ponurova I.K., Aleksandrov M.A. Application of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy method for determination of steel grade of rock-destroying tools // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 178. p. 173-174.
Mining. Ecology
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Reduction of technogenic load on components of natural environment in the area of location of technogenic massif of iron ore mineral deposits of Mikhailovsky MMP

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Atmospheric air in mining and industrial areas is mainly polluted with dust, which has a negative impact on the surrounding landscapes and public health. The surfaces of tailings ponds, where dust is formed under the influence of atmospheric conditions, are one of the main sources of dust emissions containing heavy metals. The results of studies of iron ore processing wastes prove the necessity of development of rational means and methods of reducing dust emissions from dust-forming surfaces into the atmosphere. The article outlines the results of the analysis and shows the negative impact of mining and metallurgical enterprises on various components of the environment and the state of public health.

How to cite: Ponurova I.K. Reduction of technogenic load on components of natural environment in the area of location of technogenic massif of iron ore mineral deposits of Mikhailovsky MMP // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 1 170. p. 121-124.
Mining. Ecology
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Estimation of technogenic impact of tailing dump of Mikhailovsky MPP on adjacent agrolandscapes

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In mining and industrial areas, the air basin is polluted mainly by dust, which has a negative impact on the adjacent landscapes and public health. One of the powerful sources of dust emissions is dusty surfaces of tailings containing heavy metals. The results of the conducted researches of iron-ore enrichment waste prove the necessity of searching for rational means and ways to reduce dust emissions into the atmosphere of tailing dump surfaces. The article presents the results of analysis and assessment of the negative impact of the mining and metallurgical enterprise on the components of the natural environment and public health.

How to cite: Ponurova I.K. Estimation of technogenic impact of tailing dump of Mikhailovsky MPP on adjacent agrolandscapes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 1 167. p. 97-99.
Without section
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Impact of iron ore enrichment wastes on natural environment components

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The results of the conducted research of iron ore enrichment waste prove the necessity of searching for rational means and ways to reduce dust emissions into the atmosphere from the surfaces of the tailing dump. The results of the analysis and assessment of the negative impact of mining and metallurgical enterprise on the components of the natural environment and public health are given.

How to cite: Ponurova I.K. Impact of iron ore enrichment wastes on natural environment components // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 146-148.
Development of mineral deposits
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Development of environmental protection measures to prevent the negative impact of Mikhailovsky MMP's eastern reservoir on the agro-landscape

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One of the pressing problems of our time is the pollution of the environment in the mining and industrial areas. The analysis and assessment of the negative impact of Mikhailovsky GOK on the atmosphere and land resources has been carried out. In connection with the threatening situation in this area, it is necessary to ensure the reduction of environmental hazards, the source of which is the activity of Mikhailovsky MMP, based on the assessment of environmental and economic damage caused to the components of the natural environment, while reducing the cost of prevention and elimination of environmentally adverse impacts.

How to cite: Ponurova I.K. Development of environmental protection measures to prevent the negative impact of Mikhailovsky MMP’s eastern reservoir on the agro-landscape // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 2 159. p. 62-64.