High-power medium-voltage frequency-controlled electric drives are based on multilevel inverters of different layout. The paper is dedicated to enhancing characteristics of the frequency converter by means of a four-level voltage inverter with floating capacitors. The formation process of a four-level voltage inverter is studied on the basis of a computer model simulated with application of the Matlab Simulink software. An algorithmic method of voltage regulation with floating capacitors is offered and tested.
Nowadays wind is considered as one of the most important alternative sources of energy. It’s featured as being practically free and having no negative impact on environment. Because of increasing of the fuel-energy crisis an accent in using wind energy has quickened recently. An article given includes information about the structure of a wind turbine. The squirrel cage induction machine is considered as a generator. The model of an autonomous asynchronous generator has been built taking into account the nonlinearity of a magnetic circuit. Also it’s presented the model for plotting speed-torque characteristic of an asynchronous machine. Simulation has been made in Matlab Simulink.