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A. F. Sakaev
A. F. Sakaev
Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
Ufa State Petroleum Technical University


Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Control and diagnostics of deep-water rod pumps equipment condition by indirect method on wattmetrogram with the use of artificial neural networks

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The paper studies possibilities to indirectly determine actual values of oil dynamic head in the well and load curves of the bottom-hole pump basing on wattmeter cards (electric power input curves) with application of artificial neural networks.

How to cite: Sakaev A.F. Control and diagnostics of deep-water rod pumps equipment condition by indirect method on wattmetrogram with the use of artificial neural networks // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 173. p. 101-104.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Development of the displacement sensor on the basis of integral accelerometer for the dynamometer-dynamometer systems for deep well rod pumps

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Load indicator reading systems are commonly used to diagnose the condition of a downhole pump. Such systems consist of two sensor units: a force sensor and a displacement sensor. Currently, motion sensors based on integrated accelerometers are widely used. The use of accelerometers allows to create reliable, inexpensive, simple and convenient displacers. However, such sensors have a significant disadvantage, which is a large error due to the following reasons: a large integration error occurs in double integration; measured acceleration signals have a significant level of noise; currently produced integrated accelerometers have a large intrinsic error. In this paper, various methods are developed and investigated to solve these problems.

How to cite: Sakaev A.F. Development of the displacement sensor on the basis of integral accelerometer for the dynamometer-dynamometer systems for deep well rod pumps // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 2 170. p. 127-130.