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E. I. Sapozhnikova
E. I. Sapozhnikova
Research assistant
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
Research assistant
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute


Economics and management
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Economic estimation of formation and use of reserve fund of oil products on the territory of North-West Russia

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The given work is devoted to the substantiation and an economic estimation of formation and use of Oil products Reserve Stocks in the Northwest of Russia. The creation of these strategic stocks is becoming one of the priority tasks of the Russian Government. The purpose of creation of commercial stocks of oil products is the stabilization of prices instability in the Russian market, the prevention of possible consequences of great drop/jump in prices, and reimbursement of storage costs as well. So, government should create special stocks that will be able to take advantage immediately for economic targets. The nomenclature and recommended volumes of stocks according to the current economic situation on the basis of the analysis and planning of strategic oil products consumption have been carried out. Reservation period and geographical arrangement of oil products storage areas in the territory of the district have been defined. Recommendations to the further use and planning of oil products commercial stocks are given on the basis of economic estimation results of actions that have been offered by the author and the analysis of the received data as well.

How to cite: Sapozhnikova E.I. Economic estimation of formation and use of reserve fund of oil products on the territory of North-West Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 182. p. 212-215.
Economics and management
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Formation and economic evaluation of variants of development of oil refining complex of the North-West Federal District

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The paper studies formation and economic estimation of various ways to develop the oil refining complex in the North-West Federal District of Russia. A system analysis of development prospects in the oil refining branch in the North-West Region of Russia was carried out during the research. Three basic variants to develop oil refining production using the existing refining capacities of Kirishi (the Leningrad Region) and Uhta (the Nenets Region) are proposed based on analysis of existing and forecast structures of the power balance and capacities of these refineries in the North-West. The author developed a multifactor model of economic assessment of projects in the oil refining complex. An economic estimation of alternative variants of the oil refining complex development has been made on the basis of this model and the best variant has been chosen from the innovation development point of view. This variant facilitates the development and modernization of oil and gas refining and petrochemical plants, which will create a basis for long-term sustainable economic development of the North-West Region and enhancement of the regional balance between energy generation and energy consumption in the country.

How to cite: Sapozhnikova E.I. Formation and economic evaluation of variants of development of oil refining complex of the North-West Federal District // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 173. p. 196-199.
Economics and management
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Economic evaluation of variants of complex development of oil resources of territories of Timan-Pechora oil and gas province

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The given wok is devoted to the economical estimation of project variation of oil resources complex development on the territories of Timano-Pechora province. During the searching work the estimation of reserves & resources base structure of hydrocarbon raw materials on the territories of Timano-Pechora province are done; the possible projects of the oil extraction development in the study region are determined; the alternative projects of hydrocarbon raw material’s reserves development are analyzed and the end of economical estimation is the choice of the optimum project of oil extraction development in the study region – the oil company’s project. Thus, the complex development of the oil reserves & resources on the territories of Timano-Pechora province will give the serious impulse for the region development not only by oil & gas branch of industry but also by others branches that don’t connect with oil extraction. That will give the long duration development of the region economics and energy fields.

How to cite: Sapozhnikova E.I. Economic evaluation of variants of complex development of oil resources of territories of Timan-Pechora oil and gas province // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 1 170. p. 218-222.
Economics and management
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Horizontal drilling is one of the priority directions of Surgutneftegaz innovation development

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Priority directions of innovative development of Surgutnefte-gaz are shown. Horizontal drilling is chosen as the direction under study. The article presents the main areas of implementation of this technology for enhanced oil recovery at the company's fields. The data on the growth of horizontal drilling and additional oil production for the period from 1991 to 2004 were analyzed, as well as the dynamics of the cost of construction of one horizontal well for the period from 1992 to 2004 was traced and evaluated. As a result, the total economic effect from the introduction of this technology for 2004 was calculated and presented in the form of some economic indicators.

How to cite: Sapozhnikova E.I. Horizontal drilling is one of the priority directions of Surgutneftegaz innovation development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 1 167. p. 244-247.