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S. E. Demyanov
S. E. Demyanov
Research assistant
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
Research assistant
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute


Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Modeling of pipeline transportation of pasty slurries

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In paper is presented the methodology calculation parameters hydraulic transportation paste-like mixtures, which based on methodology of calculation parameters of hydromixture with high concentration of small particles, based on Bingam's mathematical model of the flow of such mixtures in pipelines. By the base of methodology is apprehension, according to which deformation of mixtures volume with high concentrations of solid particles is taken around by formation the bodies of flow with variable values the concentrations of solid particles and viscosity in cross section of pipe. Results of experimental investigations that were carried out in laboratory conditions and in industry allowed to develop the methodology for pipeline transportation calculation with high concentrated mixtures.

How to cite: Demyanov S.E. Modeling of pipeline transportation of pasty slurries // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 182. p. 74-77.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Justification of parameters of the technological equipment at hydraulic transportation of highly concentrated hydraulic mixtures

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An important task in designing hydrotransport mixtures with high concentration of solid particles is the choice of corresponding reological models on the basis of which all parameters of the hydrotransport system are determined. Attempts made by many researchers in applying reological models of pure liquids for high-concentration mixtures have rarely led to obtaining positive results. The core of the problem lies in complexity and sometimes impossibility to determine the main reological features such as upper yield point, effective dynamic and plastic viscosities, etc. Results of such investigations are published in a number of papers. The most often used approaches are the Herschel-Balkley model and two types of the Bingham model. From the practical point of view the Bingham model seems more preferable. The paper presents a design procedure to calculate parameters of high-concentration hydrotransport mixtures, which is based on previously developed mathematical model for transportation of such hydromixtures. This method is the based on the assumption that the blow body with variable values of solid particle concentration and viscosity is formed in the volume of high-concentration hydromixture. Experimental investigations carried out in both laboratory and industrial conditions using copper ore mill tailings have shown high convergence of theoretical and experienced data, which allows application of this model to calculate pipeline transportation of high-concentration hydromixtures.

How to cite: Demyanov S.E. Justification of parameters of the technological equipment at hydraulic transportation of highly concentrated hydraulic mixtures // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 173. p. 75-79.
Mining electromechanics
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Influence of fine fractions on hydrostructure of solid particles of copper ore dressing tailings

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Pipeline hydraulic transportation is widely used in underground and open-pit mines, coal preparation plants and external plant utilities to move various rocks. Mixing with water, coal and rocks due to different granulometric and petrographic parameters turn into different types of hydraulic mixtures and are characterized by certain movement patterns inside the pipeline. One of the types of hydraulic mixtures is the tailings of copper ore mining plants. This paper presents the results of research on the particle size distribution and hydraulic dimensions of these hydraulic mixtures, as well as a formula for calculating the particle drag coefficient calculated for the studied hydraulic mixtures.

How to cite: Demyanov S.E. Influence of fine fractions on hydrostructure of solid particles of copper ore dressing tailings // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 1 167. p. 168-170.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Nanotribology: the effect of the relationship between the energy characteristics of the surface and the antifriction and insulating properties of adsorbed cationic surfactants

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Literature data on the relationship between the energy characteristics of the surface (surface tension, bonding energy of surface atoms) with antifriction and insulating (protective) properties of ionogenic surfactants (surfactants) have been analyzed. Experimentally the tendency of strengthening the lubricating effect has been revealed in process of increasing the bond energy of the N1S characteristic level of cationic surfactants adsorbed on the metal; the effect of essential increase (~ by 2 eV) in the N1S bond energy has been revealed in case of joint adsorption of cationic surfactants with different in value hydrocarbon radicals at the nitrogen atom. The bonding energy was determined from measured X-ray photoelectron spectra; the lubricating effect was evaluated in tests on a high-speed conveyor at low loads in dilute aqueous solutions (about 0.01 % surfactant).

How to cite: Syrkov A.G., Demyanov S.E., Pleskunov I.V., Fedorova A.V. Nanotribology: the effect of the relationship between the energy characteristics of the surface and the antifriction and insulating properties of adsorbed cationic surfactants // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 224-228.