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V. A. Baturin
V. A. Baturin
Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
Ufa State Petroleum Technical University


Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Development of the automated system of maintenance of pumping modes of oil pumping stations, providing energy resources saving, on the basis of wireless technologies

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The article analyzes controlling system of the “Kovali-3” oil booster station. A number of drawbacks have been detected in the equipment, the system itself and the operating principle. An automated pump controlling system based on frequency-controlled electric drive is offered to upgrade the oil booster station. The algorithm of the system peration is described, which is based on the situation management principle. The paper offers a brief analysis of the possibility to use wireless channels for data transmission within the oil booster station and at higher hierarchical levels.

How to cite: Baturin V.A. Development of the automated system of maintenance of pumping modes of oil pumping stations, providing energy resources saving, on the basis of wireless technologies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 174. p. 121-123.