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E. A. Fedotov
E. A. Fedotov
Moscow State Mining University
Moscow State Mining University


Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Experimental evaluation of the influence of pulse electromagnetic treatment of ferruginous quartzites for the purpose of their de-strengthening before grinding

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The goal of this research was to develop scientifically justified recommendations on weakening of ferriferous quartzite grains to decrease power consumption during their disintegration, to enhance the efficiency of ore-grain release and the concentrate output and quality, as well as to reduce losses of iron in mill tailings. A method to assess the influence of impulse electromagnetic treatment of ferriferous quartzites on the effectiveness their impact fracture is analyzed.

How to cite: Fedotov E.A. Experimental evaluation of the influence of pulse electromagnetic treatment of ferruginous quartzites for the purpose of their de-strengthening before grinding // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 174. p. 90-92.