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L. S. Stokratskaya
L. S. Stokratskaya
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute


Language and culture
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Linguistic and cultural country studies aspect in teaching foreign languages

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Nowadays, when borders are lifted, and command of two or even three foreign languages is taken for granted, great attention is paid to the problem of foreign language instruction aiming at developing a linguistic personality, which would be adapted to living, performing and communicating successfully in alien surroundings.

How to cite: Stokratskaya L.S. Linguistic and cultural country studies aspect in teaching foreign languages // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 157-158.
Russian language: modern linguistic research
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German borrowings of 18th-20th centuries in Russian language

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Borrowing is one of the essential means of replenishing the vocabulary in any language. No language can exist without a certain share of borrowed words. Borrowings from the West-European languages make up one of the most significant groups of naturalized words in the Russian language. Words adopted from the Germanic (e.g. German, English, Dutch, etc.) and from the Latin languages (e.g. French, Italian, Spanish) played a significant part in the development of the Russian language through the 18th-20th centuries, first in the context of reforms initiated by Peter the Great and then due to widening political, economic, cultural and military ties. The paper considers the Russian vocabulary borrowed from the German language during this period.

How to cite: Stokratskaya L.S. German borrowings of 18th-20th centuries in Russian language // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 226-227.

Utilization of Internet resources in teaching foreign languages (on the example of German)

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One of the dominants of the modern society is fast development of computer information technologies and telecommunication systems. The Internet, in particular, has become a new layer in everyday life and a sphere of activities for a huge number of people – the fact which cannot but result in its integration into the educational process in general and in foreign language teaching in particular. The paper deals with the methodology of internet material application in teaching a foreign (German) language at the higher school level.

How to cite: Stokratskaya L.S. Utilization of Internet resources in teaching foreign languages (on the example of German) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 249-250.