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A. A. Poddubnaya
A. A. Poddubnaya
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute


Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Comparative assessment of wear intensity of large-modular gears depending on lubrication conditions

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Ways to raise service life of open tooth gearings on an example of a drive of a spherical mill are considered. Results of introduction of automatic system of greasing are resulted and increase ways efficiency of its uses are offered.

How to cite: Ivanov S.L., Fokin A.S., Poddubnaya A.A. Comparative assessment of wear intensity of large-modular gears depending on lubrication conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 182. p. 129-132.
Technological machinery and equipment of mining and oil & gas industries
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Estimation of lubricating ability of oils of transmissions of mining machines

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Lubricating value shows loading capacity of transmission oil. Poor lubricating value of friction couples which are used at borderline lubrication ordinary have wear-out areas and these friction couples also fiercely attacked by corrosion. That’s why a decision of choosing oil type have to be substantiated. In this article rapid method of lubricating capacity tests is offered.

How to cite: Poddubnaya A.A., Fokin A.S., Ivanov S.L., Kremcheev E.A., Potapenko V.S. Estimation of lubricating ability of oils of transmissions of mining machines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 178. p. 86-90.
Electric drive, power supply, automation and control of mining and oil and gas production
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Pilot diagnostics of mining machines transmissions state by parameters of electric drive supply

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For diagnosing transmission of the mountain machine without installation of expensive gauges pilot diagnostics on parameters of a feed of the electric motor, based on the assumption can be used, that the majority of the indignations arising in transmission and influencing at the moment of resistance, overcome by the engine, affects change of instant power consumed by the electric motor.

How to cite: Poddubnaya A.A., Fokin A.S., Ivanov S.L., Ivanov A.S., Semenov M.A. Pilot diagnostics of mining machines transmissions state by parameters of electric drive supply // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 178. p. 159-161.
Diagnostics and control of technical systems and their elements. New technologie
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The area of existence of involute gear mesh with a given overlap coefficient

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It is shown, that application of the combined displacement while designing toothed gearings considerably allows to expand area of existence of gearing with a non-standard radial backlash. Influence of parameters of the tool on area of existence of gearing is submitted, the technology of realization of tangential displacement by generation of gears is described.

How to cite: Fokin A.S., Poddubnaya A.A., Ivanov S.L., Kremcheev E.A. The area of existence of involute gear mesh with a given overlap coefficient // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 178. p. 191-194.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Experimental evaluation of transmission condition on the stand with closed power flow

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Advanced diagnostic and monitoring devices are required to carry out timely maintenance and repair of mining equipment and to reduce the number of emergency shutdowns. The article presents a comparative analysis of vibration and acoustic emission diagnostic techniques.

How to cite: Fokin A.S., Poddubnaya A.A., Ivanov S.L. Experimental evaluation of transmission condition on the stand with closed power flow // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 173. p. 119-121.
Mining electromechanics
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Reduction of wear intensity of mining machinery transmission gears by selection of rational lubrication parameters

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Increase of tooth gearing resource of transmissions of mining machines by energy losses minimization in gearing. Choice of rational greasing parameters of transmissions reducers. Choosing rational relations between temperature and lubricant viscosities.

How to cite: Poddubnaya A.A. Reduction of wear intensity of mining machinery transmission gears by selection of rational lubrication parameters // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 1 170. p. 65-68.
Mining engineering technologies. Diagnostics and control of technical systems and their elements. New technologies
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Features of gear design with combined displacement

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Application of the combined displacement when designing gears allows to considerably expand the area of existence of meshing with non-standard radial clearance. The influence of the parameters of the rack-shaped producing contour on the region of the meshing existence is shown, the technology of the tangential displacement realization during gear cutting is described.

How to cite: Ivanov S.L., Kuznetsova N.V., Poddubnaya A.A., Fokin A.S. Features of gear design with combined displacement // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 157. p. 163-166.