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S. S. Filatova
S. S. Filatova
Post-graduate Student
Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Post-graduate Student
Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)



Geology, search and prospecting of mineral deposits
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Ore-forming hydrothermal solutions and gas hydrate formation in the ocean

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Geological and tectonic settings and thermobaric characteristics of hydrothermal activity are confronted with those of gas hydrate formation. Hydrocarbon concentrations and isotopic composition in hydrothermal fluids of mid-ocean ridges with different thickness of sediment cover and marginal oceanic basins are compared. The possible influence of rising thermal fluids on gas hydrate accumulations was analyzed and examples of hydrate formation linked with hydrothermal process are given.

How to cite: Sudarikov S.M., Filatova S.S. Ore-forming hydrothermal solutions and gas hydrate formation in the ocean // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 139-143.