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L. A. Zhurenkova
L. A. Zhurenkova
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)


Nanotechnologies and information technologies
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Two approaches to reception surface nano-structured metals: solid-state hydride synthesis and adsorptive modifying

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In this work the technique of nano-structured surface modification of metal based on sequential and mixed treatment aluminum powder with steams of different cationic tensides was experimentally proved. Also possibilities of solid-state hydride synthesis nano-structured metals with using at the first stage of restoration steams of hydrophobizing silicon-organic liquid were studied.

How to cite: Syrkov A.G., Zhurenkova L.A., Tufrikova V.F., Pantyushin I.V. Two approaches to reception surface nano-structured metals: solid-state hydride synthesis and adsorptive modifying // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 196. p. 373.
Nanotechnologies and information technologies
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Hot stability of surface-nanostructurized metals obtained by solid-state hydride synthesis

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It’s experimentally proved the method of preparation of thermo- and chemically  stable metal powders with a protective Si-C-containing nanofilm on the surface with using in the first stage of the synthesis of vapor hydrophobizing silicone-organic liquid on basis of organohydridsiloxanes. Hot stability of synthesized metal powders is 0,1-0,4 mcg/cm2  (under 900 оC, 100   h).

How to cite: Syrkov A.G., Zhurenkova L.A., Dulneva O.A., Tufrikova V.F. Hot stability of surface-nanostructurized metals obtained by solid-state hydride synthesis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 196. p. 381.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Regularities of change of water-repellent properties of the nanostructured metal powders on the base of aluminium

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Regularities of change of water-repellent properties of metal powders on the basis of aluminium depending on the program of nano-structural surface modifying are studyed. The rows of increase of water-repellent properties of modified aluminium on the base of coarse-dispersed and high-dispersed (PAP-2) powders are obtained. Several specimens excelling initial hydrohobic PAP-2 inits water-repellent capacity are found out. The research uses the methods of XP-, EDX- spectroscopy and gravimetry.

How to cite: Zhurenkova L.A., Vakhreneva T.G., Syrkov A.G., Taraban V.V. Regularities of change of water-repellent properties of the nanostructured metal powders on the base of aluminium // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 241-244.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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On the interrelation of water repellent properties and reactivity during oxidation of nanostructured metals based on steel and aluminum

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It was examined the correlation between water-repellent properties and reactionary properties in the process of oxidation for nanostructured materials, based on steel and industry trademarks of aluminum powder. Analysis experimental data showed, that for samples, which have nanofilms on cationic tensides and silicon-organic compounds on steel there is the symbatic correlation between water-repellent properties of coatings and their protective properties. And samples, based on aluminum, have highest intensivity of oxidation with middle level of water-repellent properties.

How to cite: Zhurenkova L.A., Pleskunov I.V., Magomedov T.M., Syrkov A.G., Taraban V.V. On the interrelation of water repellent properties and reactivity during oxidation of nanostructured metals based on steel and aluminum // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 182. p. 241-245.