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R. D. Pavlov
R. D. Pavlov
postgraduate student
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
postgraduate student
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)



Methods fine purification of circulating water for industry

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Main features of purification of recycled water of industrial enterprises have been considered. It has been shown that using membrane methods of purification allows to remove of dissolved metals salts from recycled water and to bring their concentration to standardized level. Using this method doesn’t require such large energy consumption as evaporation method. The analyze of membrane purification methods have been fulfilled. Mathematical model of  this process has been developed. The solution algorithm has been developed and some results of simulation of membrane purification have been presented.

How to cite: Sharikov Y.V., Pavlov R.D. Methods fine purification of circulating water for industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 120.
Applied and fundamental research in physics and mathematics
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Organization of the closed system of circulating water at high content of phosphates in used water

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the method of circulating industrial waters treatment from metallurgical works with high content of phosphates is considered. It includes treatment via reagent precipitation with alkalization and flocculant addition, filtration of residue on a press-filter, further purification of water on a filter with granular loading, purification from residual calcium on an ion-exchange filter, neutralization of softened water and its final desalting in the unit of reverse osmosis.

How to cite: Pavlov R.D., Sharikov Y.V. Organization of the closed system of circulating water at high content of phosphates in used water // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 187. p. 104-108.
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Control system for waste treatment of metallurgical works with use of membrane methods

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In work considered application of baromembrane methods for waste treatment of metallurgical works, basic laws of baromembrane processes. On basis of adduced laws defined basic tasks of control system, mode of working and quality indexes of operation membrane complex.

How to cite: Pavlov R.D. Control system for waste treatment of metallurgical works with use of membrane methods // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 194-199.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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Dispatching of the automated system of underground diamond mine (on the example of the Internatsionalny mine)

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In given report is considered automatic system operative supervisor management (ASODU) of the underground mine on extraction of diamond ore «Internacionalinyy». They are brought main functions, which execution is entrusted to this system, technical decisions prescribed in base of the work ASODU.

How to cite: Pavlov R.D. Dispatching of the automated system of underground diamond mine (on the example of the Internatsionalny mine) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 59-61.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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System of automatic control of the Ore treatment section of diamond mining factory

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The article is devoted to system «Ore pretreatment» of automation of process of enrichment of factory on extraction of diamonds. Work of a site рудоподготовки and its equipment, the basic purposes and problems of introduction ASUTP «Ore pretreatment» is briefly described, the basic contours by means of which introduction, stabilization and optimization of corresponding technological parameters is reached are resulted.

How to cite: Pavlov R.D., Sharikov Y.V. System of automatic control of the Ore treatment section of diamond mining factory // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 65-67.