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S. V. Grishko
S. V. Grishko
senior lecturer
The Permian State Technical University
senior lecturer
The Permian State Technical University


Problems in geodynamic and ecological safety in the exploration of fields of oil and das, their storage and transporta
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Deformational precursors of technogenic earthquakes in mining the hydrocarbon deposits

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During monitoring since 2005 to 2008 at the Astrakhan gas-field it has been recorded three technogenic earthquakes. Results of geodetic levelling for the given period allow to approve that seismic event is preceded by raisings of a surface and its subsequent subsidence as a its result of unloading. That allows to use geodetic levelling for the forecast of technogenic seismic phenomena for oil and gas fields.

How to cite: Kashnikov Y.A., Ashikhmin S.G., Bukin V.G., Grishko S.V., Getmanov I.V., Odintsov S.L., Gorbatikov A.V. Deformational precursors of technogenic earthquakes in mining the hydrocarbon deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 145-152.