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R. B. Galaov
R. B. Galaov
first deputy head, chief engineer
The Norilsk Nickel Co
first deputy head, chief engineer
The Norilsk Nickel Co


Problems in geodynamic safety in the exploration of solid deposits
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Providing of safe conditions for mining of shaftbottom protective pillars in deep ore mines at Тalnakh

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Consideration is given to the causes complicating the mining of shaftbottom pillar and protection of shaft lining. The analysis is given to the formation of stress-strain state of the protective pillar and its enclosing rocks. Practical recommendations are given for control of deformation and stresses in the shaftbottom mass during extraction of protective pillars in deep ore mines at Talnakh.

How to cite: Zvezdkin V.A., Anokhin A.G., Galaov R.B. Providing of safe conditions for mining of shaftbottom protective pillars in deep ore mines at Тalnakh // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 50-53.
Problems in geodynamic safety in the exploration of solid deposits
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Problems and ways of exploration of the raw material resources base of the Zapoliarny branch of the Norilsk Nickel CO

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Consideration is given to the geological, mining and operating conditions of the Norilsk industrial district. The analysis is made of the present-day state of mining production of the Zapoliarny branch of the Norilsk Nickel Co. The principal trends in the safe and efficient exploration of the raw material resources base have been stated within the Norilsk industrial district .

How to cite: Bogdanov M.N., Galaov R.B., Shabarov A.N., Zvezdkin V.A. Problems and ways of exploration of the raw material resources base of the Zapoliarny branch of the Norilsk Nickel CO // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 99-103.