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D. Yu. Dorzhiev
D. Yu. Dorzhiev
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)



Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
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Substantiation of way unloading pillar in tectonically fractured massif

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Simulation-based finite element method of forming the features of the stress-strain state in pillar at the ore body downstream horizontal layers with a mined-out space. The obtained regularities of redistribution of stresses in pillar and surrounding rock massif are allowed to substantiate an effective way to reduce the bump hazard in mining  operations.

How to cite: Protosenya A.G., Dorzhiev D.Y. Substantiation of way unloading pillar in tectonically fractured massif // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 236-239.