The presence of even harmonic components of current and, above all, the harmonic component with a frequency of 100 Hz is possible only if the electric circuit elements, the resistance of which depends on the direction of current. Such elements may be a contact of electrode with the melt and the electric arc AC. Change the relative content in electrode current harmonic component with a frequency of 100 Hz dependent from the penetration of the electrode in the melt and the degree of electric arc development.
In the present article is formulated a unified approach to the question of the transposition of the kinetic equations of various degrees complexity which describe the kinetics homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical processes, which take place in the metallurgical equipment. This situation fact has a considerable practical importance because the use of equations excludes subjectivity in the determination of the values of parameters and control of the metallurgical processes.
One of the main problems of modeling of pyrometallurgical processes and roasting in a fluidized bed is the optimal choice of defining aggregate factors of the object. The general trend in the use and management of complex objects is the development and adoption of solutions exclusively human. In this case the correctness of the decision depends on an adequate diagnosis of the technical state of the object. Thus, the ability to operate the facility is completely determined by its technical state at any given time, and accuracy of decision-making expert.
The kinetic equation describing regularities of kinetics of the process of sweet roasting of the sulphide nickeliferous concentrate is offered. The considered method allows objective calculation of the time-limit of completion of investigated process. The equation can be used for the specification statement of regularities of different heterogeneous processes.
The updated equation under certain conditions that is offered hereinafter can coincide with the known equation of Bugera-Baire, but it also represents peculiarities of actual systems more precisely. The equation can be applied for determination of values of the generalized optico-geometrical parameter of a radiation flux and simulation of heat flows of technological processes.
Regularities of particle residence time distribution in the pilot fluidized bed furnace with return cyclones are investigated. The parameters of curve functions of particle residence time distribution at the furnace outlet for cinders and dust at the outlet from the return cyclone were determined: average residence time, dispersion and number of cells in the cell model. It is established that the flow structure in the studied fluidized bed furnace is close to the model of ideal mixing.