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S. A. Mirvaliev
S. A. Mirvaliev
Saint Petersburg State Mining University
Saint Petersburg State Mining University


Innovation technology in the field of metallurgy and enrichment
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Character determination of fusion mode оf sulphidic material in the gas-jet rotation devise

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By working out of new technologies for fusion of sulphidic concentrates on matte and hardware registration to them special attention it is necessary to give possibilities of management of oxidation degree of malt in a reactionary zone and uniformity of oxidation process. In this connection development of the oxidation theory and behavior of sulfides in malt is of great importance for designing of fusion devices of sulphidic concentrates and revealing of management possibility of them.

How to cite: Mirvaliev S.A., Telyakov A.N., Napsikov V.V., Saltykova S.N., Telyakov N.M. Character determination of fusion mode оf sulphidic material in the gas-jet rotation devise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 192. p. 28.
Innovation technology in the field of metallurgy and enrichment
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Sulphidic materials roasting in a fluidized bed

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Development of the oxidation theory of iron sulphide has great importance for understanding the physical and chemical nature of roasting and revealing possibility of its management.

How to cite: Napsikov V.V., Mirvaliev S.A., Saltykova S.N., telyakov N.M. Sulphidic materials roasting in a fluidized bed // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 192. p. 43.