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V. E. Vasilev
V. E. Vasilev
Saint Petersburg State Mining University
Saint Petersburg State Mining University


Economical problems in use of subsurface and development of the mineral resources complex
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Conditions of formation of mining complexes providing their sustainable development

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Possibility of formation of a mining complex arises on the basis of advanced industrial production, in the conditions of growing technical progress, in the presence of sufficient financial assets as only in these conditions it is possible to solve most full a problem of maintenance of manufacture without waste by means of the closed production cycle including system of the industrial and production and serving enterprises, system of effective preservation of the environment, on the basis of introduction of modern methods of the organization and management, planning and the manufacture account. The sustainable development of the mining enterprises is in a greater degree predetermined by interrelation between the enterprises entering into a mining complex. At the same time, the concrete maintenance of the economic relations, which influence is still insufficiently full opened on, all system of the enterprises would transform them into a uniform complex.

How to cite: Pronin E.M., Vasilev V.E. Conditions of formation of mining complexes providing their sustainable development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 194. p. 308.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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The factors defining the stability and sustainable development of mineral and raw materials enterprises and the factors’ influence оn the activity results evaluation

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Recently the development of competition and intensive demonopolization have become typical features of the new economic course in the Russian Federation. However at the same time in the main the large-scale industrial works, being the basic resource for the majority of Russian cities, are typical of the mining industry. It is the formation of the mining-industrial complexes that permits more precisely and appropriately to use the raw resources of the worked deposit, to increase the efficiency of production, to convert the waste products of the basic production into the commodity output, and to decrease the cost price of the protecting environment measures. Lately while evaluating the activity of the industrial works, the majority of economists use the conception of «the Sustainable Development», or «the Stability». The sustainable development of the mineral and raw materials enterprises is of the utmost importance nowadays as it may influence the social-economical development of the whole country. With the various level of influence on every enterprise of the equal level of external influence, the evaluation of the stability of the enterprises group in the mining-industrial complex is the urgent problem for the industrial works of the complex.

How to cite: Pronin E.M., Vasilev V.E., Tsvetkov V.Y. The factors defining the stability and sustainable development of mineral and raw materials enterprises and the factors’ influence оn the activity results evaluation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 176.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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The influence of the technological and organizational factors on the steady growth of the mining industry

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The steady growth of the mining industry calls forth the character of its activities connected with the dependence of the work on the natural conditions which are practically unpredictable and constantly changeable. The two basic factors are chosen – the technology of the mining work and the organization of the industry, which have the decisive importance in the increasing of the basic indices of the activity of the enterprise. The possible technological and organizational solutions are offered as they permit to find possible directions in the lowering of the negative influence of the appearing problems.

How to cite: Pronin E.M., Vasiliev V.E. The influence of the technological and organizational factors on the steady growth of the mining industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 76-78.
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On the effect of humidity on the stratification of interbedded rocks

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Based on the use of the special limit state condition, studies were conducted on the effect of moisture on the stratification of layered interbedded rocks for the case of overworked and then underworked interbedded rocks. The researchers paid insufficient attention to the effect of humidity on the stratification of interbedded rocks. As is known, the stratification of stratified rocks of the roof of mine workings significantly reduces their bending stiffness, which eventually leads to a significant increase in normal to the layering displacements of interlayered layers and the formation of limit zones. In this regard, prediction of the stratification of interbedded rock, with account of moisture, is important, as it is used in selecting the optimal parameters of the passports of mine workings, providing the necessary operational mode of mine workings, as well as in solving other important geomechanical problems.

How to cite: Dontsul N.F., Zhurov G.N., Vasilev V.E., Montikov A.V. On the effect of humidity on the stratification of interbedded rocks // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 1 148. p. 111-115.