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A. S. Poll
A. S. Poll
Saint Petersburg State Mining University
Saint Petersburg State Mining University


Humanities and fundamental researches
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Use of electric fields for the control of metal-dielectric structures

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In this work a device for measurement at a constant voltage of the basic electric characteristics of high-resistance dielectric materials and products from them – their electric capacitance and resistance – is developed. The principle of work of the device is based on use of transients in connected in sereies elements having electric capacity and resistance. In the electric circuit of the device the mosfet with high entrance resistance is used. Possibilities of practical use of the device for measurement of surface electret potential, for rejection of potentially unreliable condensers, for diagnostics of corrosion of metal under a pro-tective dielectric covering are considered, etc.

How to cite: Pshchelko N.S., Poll A.S., Repetukh D.O. Use of electric fields for the control of metal-dielectric structures // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 206. p. 236.
Nanotechnologies and information technologies
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Use of power action of electric field for temporary and permanent connection of materials

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Physical processes that lead to the emergence of large forces of attraction between bodies, joined by anodic bonding technology result from the large electric fields strengths at the contact interface. Nondestructive method of monitoring the strength of obtained conductor-to ionic dielectric anodic bonding seals is based on the relationship between the dependence of current versus time flowing in the formation of seals and the strength of  the  resulting seals. Theoretically justified a new technological method for nondestructive testing of  high-quality anodic bonding seals. The results obtained are confirmed experimentally.

How to cite: Pshchelko N.S., Poll A.S., Repetukh D.O. Use of power action of electric field for temporary and permanent connection of materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 196. p. 356.