Indirect and direct ways of definition of parameters of vectors of the main magnetic flux consider. Results of experimental and theoretical researches are given. It shows, that at exact measuring instruments of a electric current and an voltage, both ways are rather competitive, and in view of heavy conditions actions in oil-and-gas and a mining industry, the indirect way of definition could be counted up more preferable.
One of the trend lines while perfection of the electromechanical and electro-technologies for the mining, oil and gas extraction industries is the development and utilization of the efficient frequency drive control systems consisting of the asynchron electrical machines. The models of drives with vector and scalar control are given for the comparable investigation of efficiency dynamic and of the asynchrony machine's power factor under frequency-regulation. The results of the transient modelling for the drives with 4A280S6 motors are presented, obtained using MatLab.
The software environment for the formation of a comprehensive assessment of the ecosystem state is considered, which provides obtaining information of various types, organizing the database and combining heterogeneous data on a single metrological basis, allows the expert-ecologist to form the functional of the ecosystem state assessment taking into account the specifics of the area, the type of production or several industries, the scale of impact on the environment. The modeling system provides pro-forecasting of situation development, the possibility of designing territories, and environmental management.
Hardware and software complex that provides control of the thermal waste neutralization process, real-time data collection and processing, archiving, analysis of deviations and operator failure in case of exceeding the required standards, as well as shutdown of expensive control equipment in case of emergency. The system provides assessment of the degree of environmental impact of the technological process. Software modeling of pollution propagation in the air with presentation of results on a geographical basis allows to predict the process of impact by simulating emergency modes for different technological situations and different meteorological conditions, which is of great importance for planning the location of the technological process in a particular geographical area.
One of the main directions of improvement of electromechanical and electrical technologies for mining and oil and gas industry is design and application of vector control systems of frequency drives with asynchronous motors. Calculation methodology of asynchronous electric drive vector control system regulators for drilling rig rotator is shown. The schemes and models of electric drive made in Dispas and Matlab systems are given. Transients in the drive with 4A280S6 motor are presented.
The system of forming and obtaining complex assessments of the ecological state of environmental objects on the basis of heterogeneous data and modeling results, taking into account the characteristics of uncertainty was created. Based on the conducted metrological analysis of the main types of data, algorithms for the construction of a normalized space of estimates, which provide the formation of complex and comprehensive estimates based on the layer-by-layer organization of projects in the technology of geographic information systems, were implemented.
The paper is focused on the issues of combining different types of data and the results of modeling to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the state of objects of the ecological system and forecasting the development of the situation. On the basis of the metrological analysis of the main types of data the method of construction of the fixed assessment space is proposed, providing the formation of complex and comprehensive assessments on the basis of the organization of stratified projects and geographic information systems technology.
Для машинного гармонического анализа периодичесикх функций на ЕС ЭВМ предназначена стандартная подпрограмма FORIT на языке фортран ...
Специализированный умножитель для систем векторного управления частотным приводом обладает расширенными функциональными возможностями благодаря наличию дополнительных входов, малому дрейфу нулевого уровня и минимальному коэффициенту ошибочной передачи входного сигнала ...
Генератор гармонических сигналов (ГГС) является основным узлом блока тригонометрического анализатора, служащего для выделения единичных опорных функций - направляющих косинусов вращающейся системы координат, жестко связанной с потокосцеплением ...
Аналоговый умножитель, предназначенный для реализации системы векторного управления частотным приводом, должен иметь не только допустимо малую относительную векторную погрешность, но при реализации в виде модуля отличаться простотой исполнения и строиться на базовом элементе, перспективном для выполнения в виде микросхемы ...
Блок управления силовыми тиристорами инвертора БУИ должен обеспечивать управление частотой и фазой выходного напряжения автономного инвертора тиристорного преобразователя частоты ТПЧ с помощью двух входных трехфазных систем напряжений. Для этого на выходе блоке, должны формироваться длинные импульсы управления тиристорами инвертора, необходимые для устойчивого и надежного пуска привода ...