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Yu. S. Morozova
Yu. S. Morozova
Saint Petersburg State Mining University
Saint Petersburg State Mining University



Geodesy, geomechanics and underground construction
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Substantiation of the variant of the best and most the effective use of the ground area оf the Vasileostrovsky region of the city of Saint Petersburg

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In article the substantiation of a variant of the best and most an effective use (MMEU) the ground area located in territory of the Vasileostrovsky region of Saint Petersburg, within coastal and water security zones of the Smolenka river is given. This point in question has a special urgency in such big megacities as Saint Petersburg, as, despite increasing population and increasing capacities of a city, its territorial resources are limited so to use them it is necessary as more as possible economically,  that is according to variant MMEU. Proceeding  from a principle of   the maximum profitableness in work it is offered to use the considered ground area under building of seven-story hotel on 400  numbers.

How to cite: Bykova E.N., Morozova Y.S. Substantiation of the variant of the best and most the effective use of the ground area оf the Vasileostrovsky region of the city of Saint Petersburg // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 196. p. 56.