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M. V. Sergutin
M. V. Sergutin
Saint Petersburg State Mining University
Saint Petersburg State Mining University


Geological support for Russia’s mineral resources development
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Prediction of water inflows into mine workings in the process of combined open-underground ore mining operations

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An analysis of formation conditions of water inflows into mine workings during combined open-underground development of ore deposits was carried out. Characteristics of both natural and man-made hydro-geological structures in a copper -nickel ores «Zhdanov» deposit were identified. A method of prediction of water inflows into underground mine workings using nu-merical simulations was studied under complex hydrogeological conditions of «Zhdanov» deposit.

How to cite: Norvatov Y.A., Sergutin M.V. Prediction of water inflows into mine workings in the process of combined open-underground ore mining operations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 212. p. 89.
Geotechnology for development of solid mining fields
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Use of hydrogeomechanical monitoring during shielding tunnel for underground station оf Saint Petersburg subway «Admiralteiskaya»

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Are investigated results obtained during supervision over change of hydraulic pressure and soil’s deformation while shielding inclined tunnel with hydro-surcharge on the breast for Saint Petersburg underground station «Admiralteiskaya». Are defined characteristics of anthropogenic hydro geological structure generated while shielding glacial soils. Is offered methodology for estimation soil deformation taking into account anthropogenic cracks of stratification and compaction – decompaction processes of clay breeds while changing hydraulic pressures. Is presented an example of estimation deformations of soils influenced by shielding.

How to cite: Norvatov Y.A., Petrova I.B., Sergutin M.V. Use of hydrogeomechanical monitoring during shielding tunnel for underground station оf Saint Petersburg subway «Admiralteiskaya» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 199. p. 84.
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Control of the condition of the rock-mass condition using tansducers of hydrostatie pressure during mining escalator tunnel of «Admiralteiskaya» underground station

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In this article is shown the sequence of hydro-geological monitoring of the rock-mass condition while conducting mining works of «Admiralteiskaya» underground station escalator tunnel. Are revealed flow laws of underground water in natural conditions; is considered influence of atmospheric pressure on the hydrostatic one. Also are drawn preliminary conclusions of escalator tunnel mining (using hydro-cantledge) influence on pressures in rock-mass.

How to cite: Norvatov Y.A., Volodchenko K.E., Sergutin M.V. Control of the condition of the rock-mass condition using tansducers of hydrostatie pressure during mining escalator tunnel of «Admiralteiskaya» underground station // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 196. p. 23.