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G. B. Malyshkov
G. B. Malyshkov
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)



Effective use of mineral resources in Russia: current state, problems, institutions, prospects
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Economic methods of environmental protection: current situation and ways of modernization

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A package of bills is currently under consideration of the State Duma, which dramatically affects the current mechanism of nature management. Changes applied to the federal laws on «Environmental protection» and «Waste production and consuming» will allow to stimulate companies to update their base funds by means of implementation of the best available technologies and to divide them into categories depending on their environmental damage, as well as toughening sanctions on environmental violations and providing with mechanisms to help reduce the financial burdens on environmental protection investments. This article is devoted to analyze these environmental protection  initiatives.

How to cite: Malyshkov G.B., Viktorova E.V. Economic methods of environmental protection: current situation and ways of modernization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 201. p. 71.