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G. V. Konovalov
G. V. Konovalov
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)


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Oxidative melting of sulfide melts with the formation of low-siliceous slags

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The article considers the possibility of autogenous smelting with low siliceous slag in the apparatus with a new way to file a blast in the regime of high-temperature controlled heat transfer.

How to cite: Konovalov G.V., Kosovtseva T.R. Oxidative melting of sulfide melts with the formation of low-siliceous slags // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 202. p. 168.
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Alternative variant of trof converter process

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The article is devoted alternative variant of converting copper metal materials in the converter with intense heat and mass transfer formed by a high-pressure fuel lances. Exploratory studies converting copper metal waste in jet mode rotation were performed on the fire model.

How to cite: Konovalov G.V., Kosovtseva T.R. Alternative variant of trof converter process // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 202. p. 288.
Innovation technology in the field of metallurgy and enrichment
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Influence of improvement of quality of copper concentrates on efficiency of their processing

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At present time high grade and free-milling ore reserves have been exhausted in our country as well as in nearly all other countries in consequence of intensive development of nonferrous metal deposits. Relatively low-grade crude ore, which is deaf and therefore rebellious, is involved into processing. Moreover, after the collapse of the Soviet Union the more free-milling ores turned out to be abroad and so sulphide copper-zinc complex ores which are dressed with lower grade became the major sources of copper and zinc concentrate production in Russia. At the same time the metallurgical production is making higher and higher requirements to concentrate quality every year, and it is possible to meet the requirements only by application of mixed dressing, chemical, hydro- and pyrometallurgical technologies.

How to cite: Boduen A.Y., Ivanov B.S., Konovalov G.V. Influence of improvement of quality of copper concentrates on efficiency of their processing // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 192. p. 46.
Innovation technology in the field of metallurgy and enrichment
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Pyrometallurgical selection of copper-zinc materials

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The article says about complex processing copper matte and copper-zinc materials are considered. The thermodynamic estimation this process is given. The new way of processing of copper-zinc materials and new metallurgical aggregate is offered.

How to cite: Orlov A.K., Konovalov G.V., Boduen A.Y. Pyrometallurgical selection of copper-zinc materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 192. p. 65.
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Conditions of blast feeding into melts and development of means of intensification of blast mode

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The solubility of cerium (III) phosphate in the system CePО40,5H2O - solutions of ex-traction phosphoric acids (EPC) and in the system СеРО 4 ·0.5H 2 O - model solutions of H3PO4 depending on temperature and concentration of orthophosphoric acid has been studied. The values of solubility index pS from the pH value of the solution were found.

How to cite: Shalygin L.M., Konovalov G.V., Kosovtseva T.R. Conditions of blast feeding into melts and development of means of intensification of blast mode // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 4 169. p. 231-237.
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Peculiarity of mass transfer under the action of radial-axial blowing jets

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One of the main features of metallurgical units based on sulfide material blowing is the method of blast feeding. There are two basic ways of blowing: immersed and non-immersed. The first way is characterized by high thermal loads on tuyere belt, so the use of technical oxygen is impossible or requires intensive cooling, which is connected with increased heat losses to the external environment. Non-loaded blast feeding is free in the choice of blast and is limited in terms of productivity only by the limiting amount of blast. When using a jetting apparatus, the design of radial-axial tuyeres allows increasing the limiting quantity of blowing by 6-10 times. For circular motion of viscous incompressible liquid in a cylindrical vessel, arising as a result of tangential stresses distributed over free surface, analytical solution of Navier-Stokes equation has been obtained. The mathematical model allows determining optimal process parameters and design features of apparatus for intensification of mass-exchange processes.

How to cite: Konovalov G.V. Peculiarity of mass transfer under the action of radial-axial blowing jets // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 120-121.