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V. A. Kovalev
V. A. Kovalev
Kuzbass State Technical University of T.F.Gorbachev
Kuzbass State Technical University of T.F.Gorbachev


Innovation in designing of mining plants
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Technical university for innovation development of Kuzbass

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The program of strategic development of T.F.Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University (KuzSTU) for the years of 2012-2020 Technical University for the Innovative Development of Kuzbass is reviewed. The KuzSTU development priorities are presented as follows: formation of innovative research university at the federal level, educational research and innovative modern university staff, innovative educational activities, scientific and staff provision of the long-term Program for Development of Coal Industry till the year of 2030; and effective scientific, engineering and technological support of the industrial development of Kuzbass; promotion of innovative projects into the actual sector of economy. The program for restructuring of the technical university is stated including new research and educational institutes and centers. It is shown that the solution of problems of the development of Kuzbass is not possible without the efficient generation of advanced and promising competences of specialists, as well as new knowledge and technologies of the global level.

How to cite: Kovalev V.A. Technical university for innovation development of Kuzbass // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 205. p. 70.