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A. V. Strizhenok
A. V. Strizhenok
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)



Environmental protection
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Analysis of the landscape and geochemical situation in the ANOF-2 of the JSC «Apatite» tailing dump placement area

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In paper results of environmental monitoring of components of the environment, the placement carried out in the territory of the tailing dump of apatite-nepheline concentrating factory are presented, results of the carried-out natural measurements are given and the assessment of the technogenic loading rendered by experimental object on an ecosystem of this region is given.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Strizhenok A.V. Analysis of the landscape and geochemical situation in the ANOF-2 of the JSC «Apatite» tailing dump placement area // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 206. p. 155.
Environmental protection
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Environmental monitoring of the north ecosystems exposed to an impact of the mining

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The paper presents the results of an environmental monitoring of the Russian mining enterprise territory and the assessment of an anthropogenic impact of the delft on the ecosystem of the protected area.

How to cite: Strizhenok A.V. Environmental monitoring of the north ecosystems exposed to an impact of the mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 171.