The most influencing the stopes walls stability factors have been determined. Physical-and-mechanical ore mass properties impact to the stopes height has been researched. Advanced ways to improve stopes walls stability have been considered.
Factors which influence the formation of the stress condition of ore body and the intensity of failure of stopes are investigated for Yakovlev’s mine conditions. Calculations of depth of failure zones in stopes are made. Method of failure prevention is developed. It allows to increase the safety of mining and technical and economic index.
The analysis of actually developed technological scheme of Jakovlevsky mine is made. The basic directions of perfection of existing technology of working off for-passes, promoting increase of capacity and decrease in costs proiz-vodstva ores are offered. The further direction of researches which will allow oprede-pour rational, a relative positioning clearing заходок in fulfilled layers and para-metres of technological schemes of joint dredging of layers is con- sidered.