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E. V. Larionova
E. V. Larionova
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)


Materials science and art materials processing
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Features of graphic objects transformation for models preparation by laser processing

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The article is devoted to the questions of multicolor bitmap forming peculiarities for outputting images be means of laser complexes. There are problems of screening and image resolution and settlement lineature active laser vectors depending on the color palette are revealed. As the findings are presented the recommendations of the images preparation, including multicolor, to correctly display the image on laser complexes, as well as conditions of reproducibility of the image.

How to cite: Larionova E.V., Khromova E.I. Features of graphic objects transformation for models preparation by laser processing // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 209. p. 225.
Materials science and art materials processing
  • Date submitted
  • Date accepted
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Creating and approbation of the hardware and software complex for information fields application on the surface of products

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The article analyzes the existing methods for applying the matrix two-dimensional codes. The article describes the developed hardware and software system for the application of the information fields that include: logo, barcode, nanobar code. A comparative analysis of the dimensional characteristics of the existing two-dimensional codes and nanobar code is also discussed. The examples of application nanobar codes on various materials are reviewed.

How to cite: Pryakhin E.I., Larionova E.V., Zakharenko E.A. Creating and approbation of the hardware and software complex for information fields application on the surface of products // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 209. p. 234.