Date submitted2023-10-31
Date accepted2024-11-07
Date published2025-01-24
Specifics of magnetotelluric studies in Antarctica
One of the priority areas of scientific research in Antarctica is the study of its deep structure. Most of the continent is covered with a thick ice sheet, so the main geoscientific data are acquired using geophysical methods, among which magnetotelluric (MT) ones have the greatest penetration depth and insignificant environmental impact. The possibility of acquiring high-quality MT data in the conditions of the sixth continent has long been questioned. The work is aimed at studying the specifics of magnetotelluric survey in Antarctica. The following tasks were set: to summarize the world experience of studying Antarctica using MT sounding methods; to identify factors that negatively affect the high-quality data acquisition; to determine methods for minimizing the influence of these factors. The article analyses geophysical studies conducted by the magnetotelluric sounding method in the Antarctic region from 1964 to the present. The application of the method is complicated by the following: extremely low temperature affects the drop in the batteries capacity, freezing of the non-polarizing electrodes solution, and changes in the strength properties of materials. Electromagnetic noise occurs during strong winds; proximity to the magnetotelluric field source can violate the plane wave principle on which the method is based. The ice sheet covering most of Antarctica does not allow acquiring optimal values of the contact resistance of the electrode grounding; the extended coastline distorts the acquired data. Studies of the influence of factors complicating the MT sounding method in the coastal and central parts of Antarctica made it possible to formulate recommendations for preparing equipment and adapting the work procedure, modifying the processing flow and a set of measures to ensure safety, the implementation of which will both allow safe performance of geophysical investigations and high-quality data acquisition.
Date submitted2019-05-20
Date accepted2019-07-12
Date published2019-10-23
Development of Manufacturing Technology for High-Strength Hull Steel Reducing Production Cycle and Providing High-Quality Sheets
The article presents the results of scientific research and industrial experiments aimed at the development of technology to reduce the production cycle of high-strength hull steel. The technology includes an improved reduced heat treatment of ingots made using rare-earth metals and uphill teeming of large sheet ingots. The proposed technology for the preliminary heat treatment of ingots eliminates the high-temperature phase re- crystallization operation, which is unnecessary, according to the authors, since it does not allow partial crushing (grinding) of the metal dendritic structure and homogenization. When using the proposed technology of reduced pre- treatment, phase and structural stresses are sharply reduced. Experiments have shown that the modification of steel with rare-earth metals has a positive effect on the crystallization of ingots, changing the macro- and microstructure of alloy steel. The developed manufacturing technology of high-strength hull steel provides a high level of sheet quality and a reduction in the production cycle time by 10-12 %.
Date submitted2014-10-15
Date accepted2014-12-14
Date published2015-08-25
Formiing of structure and properties of sheet strips from magnesium alloys in the conditions of twin roll casting process
- Authors:
- R. Kavalla
- V. Yu. Bazhin
In this article the problem of receiving high-quality cast strips from the magnesium alloys received by units of twin roll casting process in the combined methods is discussed. Production of sheets from magnesium alloys combination of casting and rolling at continuous giving of liquid melt to the rotating rolls is perspective and more economic method. Features of crystallization of magnesium alloys of AZ31 and AZ61 in a gap of rolls crystallizers depending on heat exchange conditions at change of technological parameters are considered. Due to impact on melt in forming system it is possible to provide formation of equal fine-grained structure of sheet hire without superficial defects. Development of the production technology of sheets from magnesium alloys creates possibility of their use of automobile branch as the facilitated details of bodies instead of the knots made of steel.