Date submitted2018-07-05
Date accepted2018-08-31
Date published2018-12-21
The lake Il’men clint, Russia: a potential devonian geopark
- Authors:
- John E.A. Marshall
- David J. Siveter
The Devonian rocks exposed on the shores of Lake Il’men, some 150 km SSE of Saint Petersburg, are important historically in the context of the recognition of the Devonian System. Moreover, they provide unique potential for a range of geological studies today. The non-geological heritage of the area – its flora, fauna, past and current industrial use and cultural links – is also a very worthy one. Since 2001 the area has been recognised asa Specially Protected Natural Territory. A ‘Geopark’ is a unified area of local or wider extent that has been so designated based on its significant geological and associated natural and cultural heritage. There are many positive criteria for considering that the Lake Il’men area could acquire the appellation of a Geopark. Scientific investigations dedicated to understanding the geodynamical conditions operating at Lake Il’men would resolve how to best to help promote the future preservation of this unique natural area.