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Vol 148 No 1
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Explosion energy control during core charge excitation by shockwave action

B. U. Raskildinov
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  • Satbayev University
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One of the ways to improve the efficiency of drilling and blasting operations is to improve the design of borehole and borehole column-mounted charges during explosive blasting of solid minerals. The analysis of existing designs of explosive charges, used for stripping the rock mass at mining enterprises, allows to note that along with the widespread solid cylindrical column of explosives, quite a large number of more effective designs, allowing to actively manage the energy of the explosion in the destruction of the rock massif, has been developed. These designs are based on the extensive use of a number of factors: reducing the initial pressure of the explosion products, increasing the time of their impact on the massif, creating several groups of detonation waves in the charge, cumulation, etc. However, despite the advantage of dispersed charges compared with solid charges, they have not yet found wide application due to the significant material and time costs of charging boreholes or wells.

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