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Vol 148 No 1
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Assessment of actual energy detonating aquatrinitrotoluene characteristics in long relieving blast charges considering the stability of the physical composition

M. G. Gorbonos1
V. I. Sivenkov2
V. I. Pochekutov3
About authors
  • 1 — Moscow Mining University
  • 2 — Moscow Mining University
  • 3 — Karelskiy Okatysh
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One of the main problems of effective use of water-containing explosives (WCE) in various mining and geological conditions and especially when blasting waterlogged massifs is the stability of aquatrinitrotoluene charges. When mixing a hot oxidizer solution (HOS) in mixing and charging machines with granulated or flaked TNT, the latter, having the density of granules p = 1,48+1,5 g/cm3, cannot be kept suspended in the explosive mixture, since the density of HOS does not exceed 1,4 g/cm3. As a consequence, there is a stratification of water-filled explosives, which leads to a change in the energy and detonation characteristics of explosives, to a deterioration of bottom penetration, to an increase in the yield of oversized material.

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  1. Кутузов Б.Н. Опыт применения водосодержащих ВВ местного изготовления / Б.Н. Кутузов, С.Х. Абсатаров, А.Г. Гончаров // Горный журнал. 1996. № 3.

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