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Vol 148 No 1
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Regularities of formation of zones of fine and radial cracking in the destruction of rocks by explosion of elongated charges

G. M. Kryukov1
I. V. Smager2
I. I. Drozd3
About authors
  • 1 — Moscow Mining University
  • 2 — Military Engineering Institute
  • 3 — Military Engineering Institute
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A large number of scientific, research, experimental and experimental-industrial works both in Russia (USSR) and abroad are devoted to the processes of destruction of rocks by explosion. As a result of these works, the basic laws of deformation and destruction of rocks by explosion have been established. Nevertheless, when solving specific practical problems in specific mining and technical conditions it is necessary to carry out additional research and experimental work, allowing with a given efficiency and reliability to conduct drilling and blasting operations. This is due, firstly, to the complexity of the structure and, accordingly, the wide variability of properties of objects deformed and destroyed by explosion; secondly, mining-technical and technological features of blasting and, thirdly, the imperfection of developed models of explosive impact on deformable and destructible environment.

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