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Vol 148 No 1
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Development of a fractured coal structure under the action of high pressure

T. A. Vasilenko1
P. I. Polyakov2
T. A. Ryumshina3
V. V. Slyusarev4
About authors
  • 1 — Donetsk Institute of Physics and Technology, NASU
  • 2 — Donetsk Institute of Physics and Technology, NASU
  • 3 — Donetsk Institute of Physics and Technology, NASU
  • 4 — Donetsk Institute of Physics and Technology, NASU
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The study of the impact of high pressure on the structure and behavior of coals is not only of practical interest, but also of academic interest, because it contributes to the accumulation of information necessary for the most complete understanding of the processes occurring here. Experimental results show that tectonic stresses during metamorphism reach values sufficient for molecular regularization, which leads to an increase in the degree of graphitization of coals.

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