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Vol 148 No 1
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Experimental studies of the destructive effect of explosion in a solid medium when changing the properties of explosives

E. I. Efremov1
V. A. Nikiforova2
A. V. Ponomarev3
About authors
  • 1 — Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the NAS of Ukraine
  • 2 — Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the NAS of Ukraine
  • 3 — Dokuchaevskiy Flux-Dolomite Plant
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As is known, the mining of non-metallic minerals has special requirements for blasting operations, as the lumpiness of the blasted rock mass is limited not only by the maximum, but also by the minimum size of the lump. In determining the rational degree of crushing, for example, fluxing limestone and dolomite, along with the output of oversized fractions, it is necessary to consider the volume of over-crushed rock mass (fractions with particle size less than 5 mm), negatively affecting the yield of commercial products. In this case the second factor is often more significant, because in nonmetallic pits the yield of over-crushed rock mass reaches 20%, which not only leads to losses of commercial products, but also reduces the efficiency of the explosion (the huge cost of explosion energy for rock crushing). In this regard, studies of the influence of explosive properties of explosives on the yield of regrind product, taking into account the compliance of explosive properties with the nature of the destructed medium, are very important in terms of both energy consumption and resource saving (losses of minerals).

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