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Vol 148 No 2
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Quality of rock blasting as the basis of profitability of a crushed stone plant

Yu. I. Vinogradov1
A. G. Zatonskikh2
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  • 1 — St. Petersburg State Mining Institute
  • 2 — St. Petersburg State Mining Institute
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Market economy not only establishes new economic relations between different enterprises, but also forces a different assessment and, consequently, the solution of certain technological problems. In particular, at the enterprises producing fractional crushed stone, the parameters of the main technological processes are calculated according to the factor of minimum cost. At such approach to designing overestimates output of unprofitable fractions, price and demand for which is much less than price and demand for deficit fractions. Therefore, as the basic criterion for designing technological parameters, it is necessary to accept the maximum profit from realization of production.

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  4. Холодняков Г.А. Теоретические основы моделирования выходных параметров взрыва / Г.А.Холодняков, Ю.И.Виноградов, А.Г.Затонских // Проблемы проектирования карьеров: Сборник науч. трудов / Санкт-Петербургский горный ин-т. СПб, 1994.
  5. Холодняков Г.А. К вопросу прогнозирования гранулометрического состава взорванной горной массы / Г.А.Холодняков, Ю.И.Виноградов, А.Г.Затонских // Там же.

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