Multiband radar complex for remote monitoring of water areas
About authors
- 1 — Prognoz Research Institute of Radioelectronic Systems for Forecasting Emergency Situations at St. Petersburg Electrotecnical University
- 2 — Prognoz Research Institute of Radioelectronic Systems for Forecasting Emergency Situations at St. Petersburg Electrotecnical University
- 3 — Prognoz Research Institute of Radioelectronic Systems for Forecasting Emergency Situations at St. Petersburg Electrotecnical University
- 4 — Prognoz Research Institute of Radioelectronic Systems for Forecasting Emergency Situations at St. Petersburg Electrotecnical University
In this work are stated a research results of the radar complex for water area remote sensing in Short- Wave, Ultra-Short Wave and Micro Wave bands. Complex gives operative data on the water surface condition of the Gulf of Finland areas in Russia NORTHWEST region. Data are to be use for preventing and liquidations of emergence situations.
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