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Vol 149
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Complex influence of mountainous terrain and air-industrial pollution on biometric characteristics of pine plantations

V. V. Fomin1
S. A. Shavnin2
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  • 1 — Ural Future University
  • 2 — Ural Future University
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Geomorphology of the territory is one of the main factors influencing the formation of atmochemical pollution halos of forest ecosystem areas. As a result of the conducted research, spatial regularities of distribution of stand parameters depending on the terrain characteristics were quantitatively established. It was revealed that the increase in elevation, distance to the sources of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere and decrease in illumination of the macro-slope is accompanied by a decrease in the average diameter and height of stands. The differentiation of the degree of influence of natural and anthropogenic factors is adequately assessed by the equation of dependence of basic forest taxation characteristics of plantations on the parameters of forest site location.

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