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Vol 150 No 1
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Selection of rational schemes for opening deep horizons of mines OAO Sevuralboksitruda in conditions of shock hazard

O. V. Kolosova
About authors
  • Student, research assistant G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
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The development of the mining industry is associated with the development of deposits at great depths in difficult mining and geological conditions. A number of large Russian mining companies have already reached deposit development depths of 1000-1500 m, the depth of the projected Severouralsk mines is 1500-2500 m. For deep mines, an important problem is the choice of the optimal option for the penetration and transportation of minerals to the surface. In work three variants of opening of deep horizons of mine "Red Riding Hood" of JSC "Sevuralboksitruda" are considered: opening of deep horizons with deepening of existing vertical shafts, the stage scheme of opening by slopes with a base horizon -860 m, the stage scheme of opening by blind vertical shafts with base horizon -860 m and a device of underground head frames. Technical and economic evaluation of the most rational options was carried out. Analysis of results showed that the volume of capital mining works on a variant with opening by blind gradients is more on 17120 m 3 at cost of excavation on a surface of 1 m 3 rock, including general expenses of a mine, 2350 rubles. The second variant in the approximate cost expression will exceed the third in the sum 40232000 rubles. The received sum is approximately one third of annual financing of mining-capital works for "Sevuralboksitruda". Consequently, according to technical and economic indicators it is expedient to open deep horizons according to the step-by-step scheme by blind vertical shafts with the base horizon -860 m and the device of underground headframes.

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