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Vol 223
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Development of methods of analytical geometry of a sphere for solving geodesy and navigation tasks

G. I. Khudyakov
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  • Saint-Petersburg Mining University
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The article develops ideas and formulas of analytical geometry for spherical surface of the Earth globe in relation to main tasks of global geodesy and navigation. It examines peculiarities of sphere inner geometry and properties of its primary, secondary and higher-order curves. It was proved that spherical hyperbola and parabola are spherical ellipses with specific parameters. The Cartesian ordinates were introduced into the sphere and the relation between them and polar spherical coordinates was established. With the help of central projection of sphere points on tangential plane the corresponding elliptical plane with beltrami ordinates was introduced. The article describes main formulas of analytical geometry for projected elliptical plane, which correspond to geometry of projected sphere. It also introduces several formulas for primary, secondary and higher-order curves for this sphere.

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