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Vol 159 No 1
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Prevention of coal spontaneous ignition during mining of thick steep seams in Kuzbass

E. V. Glushenkov1
A. A. Sidorenko2
About authors
  • 1 — Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
  • 2 — Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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The factors that have the greatest impact on the probability of occurrence of endogenous fires in the mining of powerful steep seams of the Prokopyevsko-Kiselevskoye field of Kuzbass have been established. The differentiation of endogenous fires by reservoirs in the conditions of Prokopyevskugol Management Company LLC was carried out. The influence of the main mining and technical factors on the probability of spontaneous ignition of strata was studied. It was concluded that during the mining of thick steep seams, the main cause of spontaneous ignition is the abandonment of interstory coal pillars, which are concentrated accumulations of destroyed coal. The principles of designing technological schemes for mining seams prone to spontaneous ignition are formulated. A method of mining powerful steep seams prone to spontaneous ignition that excludes leaving inter-story coal pillars and ensures reliable isolation of the mined area is proposed.

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  1. Ушаков К.3. Безопасность ведения горных работ и горноспасательное дело / К.3З.Ушаков, Н.О.Камдина; Московский горный ин-т. М., 2002.
  2. Сидоренко А.А. Особенности проектирования технологических схем отработки мощных крутых угольных пластов, склонных к самовозгоранию / А.А.Сидоренко, Е.В.Глушенков, Д.Ю.Никишин; Сев.-Зап. технический ун-г. СПб, 2003.

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