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Vol 164
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Modern explosives and technologies of their application

E. N. Zhuchenko1
O. N. Elizov2
About authors
  • 1 — ZAO Nitro Siberia
  • 2 — ZAO Nitro Siberia
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The article deals with the activity of CJSC “Nitro Sibir” on creation of highly effective emulsion explosives of “Sibirit” type and planning of their industrial production, development of standard modular industrial complexes for production of emulsion explosives and efficient transporter-loaders for their charging. The experience of Sibirit-3 CJSC, which carries out blasting operations with the use of Sibirits for Ka-relian Steel Rolling Plant OJSC, has been analyzed and is given below.

Жученко Е.Н., Елизов О.Н. Современные взрывчатые вещества и технологии их применения // Записки Горного института. 2005. Т. 164. С. 97-101.
Zhuchenko E.N., Elizov O.N. Modern explosives and technologies of their application // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 97-101.
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