Experience of studying natural and technogenic processes in the underground space of St. Petersburg (on the example of the Obukhovo-Rybatskoye tunnels)
2007 O. Yu. Alexandrova
Philosophy of marketing in the 21st century
2007 B. Ya. Pukshanskiy, Zh. N. Khabipova
Peculiarities of mineral composition and geochemical characteristics of sulfide-platinometallic ore deposits of the Generalskaya Mountain (Kola Peninsula)
2007 N. S. Kropacheva
Transformation of organic wastes into artificial oil in lithospheric reactors as a factor of overcoming ecological and mineral crisis
2007 A. E. Vorobyev, A. D. Gladush, T. V. Chekushina
Wind-energy installations
2007 M. A. Glushchenko
Numerical experiments on investigation of spatial-energetic parameters of low-pressure glow discharges
2007 A. A. Kudryavtsev, A. V. Morin, A. S. Mustafaev