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Vol 170 No 2
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Research article

Environmental effect of air/fuel staging and flue gas recirculation on NOx formation - experimental and numerical analysis

Poskart Monika1
Lech Szecówka2
About authors
  • 1 — Czestochowa University of Technology
  • 2 — Czestochowa University of Technology
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This paper includes both experimental and modeling studies of nitrogen oxides abatement. The tests were carried out in a quartz combustion chamber using laboratory equipment that allows measuring all thermal and chemical parameters of the process. An experimental test rig was constructed to determine the effect of the following "primary methods" on NOx concentration reduction: air staging, afterburning and flue gas recirculation. The effect of simultaneous use of the primary methods on NOx reduction was also studied. An obligatory element of experimental studies is numerical modeling of combination processes.

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  1. Jarosiński J.: „Techniki czystego spalania”, WNT, Wrocław, 1996.
  2. Kordylewski W.: Niskoemisyjne techniki spalania w energetyce. Wrocław 2000.
  3. Wünning J.A., Wünning J.G.: Flameless oxidation to reduce thermal NO-formation. Progress Energy Combustion Scientific, Vol. 23, 1997, pp.81-94.
  4. . Xu M., Azevado J.L.T., Carvalho M.G.: Modeling of the combustion process and NOx emission in a utility boiler. Fuel 79, 2000, pp.1611-1619.

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