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Vol 176
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Electrical exploration by MTZ method in the complex of regional oil and gas prospecting works in the European part of Russia

I. S. Feldman1
B. A. Okulesskiy2
A. K. Suleimanov3
V. N. Nikolaev4
V. A. Kuncherov5
S. S. Chamo6
About authors
  • 1 — LLC «EMI Center»
  • 2 — LLC «EMI Center»
  • 3 — State Research and Production Enterprise Spetsgeofizika
  • 4 — State Research and Production Enterprise Spetsgeofizika
  • 5 — State Research and Production Enterprise Spetsgeofizika
  • 6 — State Research and Production Enterprise Spetsgeofizika
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The electromagnetic (MTS) investigations with the use of Canadian MTU equipment have been carried out along CDP profiles, crossing Central Regions of Russia. The results are presented in the form of seismic-geological sections. Their total extend is 1430 km. The analysis of electric logging of 19 boreholes, disposed in the vicinity of the profiles, has been executed. The composite geological section extending from north boundary of Moscow syneclise to south boundary of Ryazan-Saratov trough has been compiled. Principal electrical conduction horizons of sedimentary cover are associated with Carboniferous – Permian terrigenous complexes. Along sizable intervals of the profiles conduction complexes of Meso-Neoproterozoic age are separated below these complexes. Structural features of sedimentary-metamorphic Paleo-Mesoproterozoic rocks are observed in the consolidated basement. The characteristic features of the geoelectric model of the area of investigations are described. The problems and prospects of electrical methods application in complex of hydrocarbon prospecting investigations are discussed.

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